Certifying your learners' acquired skills

There are two options to certify the skills and competencies which learners have acquired by completing a course on atingi: the atingi PDF certificate or Open Badges.

The atingi certificate is a simple, customizable PDF, which can be added to the course easily and is automatically issued to the learner upon course completion. The template is fully customizable but should at least contain the GIZ and atingi logo as well as fields for the course name, learner name, date, and verification ID. Learners receive their certificate on atingi and per email, where they can view, download, print and verify it.

If you wish to accredit your course certificates and make them more valuable for your learners and their future employers, please coordinate with your local partners and stakeholders to add their logo or signature. The downside of PDF certificates is that they often don’t clearly specify the skills acquired and are relatively easy to fake.

An Open Badge is a digital image that contains a unique link to a website which describes the competencies a learner acquired to earn it. Within an Open Badge, you can describe learning achievements, design the ‘badge’ image, and link it back to the actual proof of mastery. This allows for verification and endorsement from employers or institutions, collection and sharing on social media for learners. However, Badge description layout is currently not as customizable, and learners need to be tech savvy to navigate the world of digital badges.