Data Deletion at atingi

To ensure GDPR compliance, personal data is only collected and stored for the purposes necessary for atingis services. Once these purposes are no longer given, the personal data of users will be deleted. This data deletion process has various effects, which are visible on the atingi platform. 


The main case for expiration of this purpose is when user accounts become inactive. At atingi, inactive accounts are therefore anonymized after 4 years of inactivity (and multiple user notifications). This has consequences for the platform and instructors: to ensure that Moodle reporting remains stable, these anonymized accounts will still appear in the participants lists of courses, however an ID is replacing the users name. The contributions of users to collaborative tools, such as forums, will be deleted simultaneously, as these can also contain personal data. 


Users do have the option to fully delete their account, which means, they will disappear from the participants list and general course reporting, however, these cases are rather rare.  


Your accounts will rarely be affected by these processes. Non-learner accounts, such as for example course or category managers are only deleted after 10 years of inactivity. GIZ accounts are fully excluded from this process. This is only an automatic back-up process for atingis offboarding process. 


BigBlueButton recordings will be deleted after 12 months. It is your responsibility to delete such recordings on your device after their purpose on atingi has expired. 


Prior to account deletion, users will receive multiple notifications alerting them to take action by logging into atingi to avoid having their account deleted.