How can I increase the outreach and impact of my course(s)?

The atingi communications team can help!

The atingi user base and the number of publicly available courses on our platform are constantly growing. However, the fact that a course is accessible on atingi doesn’t necessarily mean that many users will find it and enroll in it.

Identifying relevant target groups and actively promoting the course to them is essential in increasing the reach and impact of the courses. 

If you are planning to use atingi or have just published a course on atingi that is not limited to a closed group, you should ask yourself how you can promote it to reach as many learners as possible.  The good news is: The atingi communications & marketing team is happy to support you. To give you an idea of what you could do and how we could support you, we compiled standard services and some additional options that we can offer to you. Apart from that we also want to provide you with some general advice on how to get your course promotion activities started. 

If you would like to schedule a meeting with the atingi communications & marketing team to discuss joint communication activities and ways how you could benefit from our services, please reach out to your atingi Account Manager.  

Getting started to promote your course(s) 

If you want to increase the number of learners enrolling in your course(s), it always makes sense to create a communication plan. The plan both helps you to head into the right direction and to structure your activities in a meaningful way 


  1. You should start with defining your target group and goals – what and who exactly do you want to reach? Make sure that you come up with SMART-goals, meaning goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, reasonable, and time-bound. At this point you should also think about the resources (money, manpower etc.) that you want to invest. Generally, it’s an easy rule of thumb: the more you invest the more impact you can expect. A course that is just added to the atingi library without any promotion usually doesn’t get a lot of attention  
  2. The key to achieving your goals is to know your target group: Which communication channels do they use and how do they use them? What are their believes and what messaging convinces them? What are their problems and challenges that you are trying to tackle (make sure that you don’t describe your course but underline what added value it has for them)? What language do they use (this is often related to the educational level and individual backgrounds of the target group)?  
  3. Next you can plan specific activities and come up with a time schedule. The activities should be derived by your goals and should be as target group oriented as possible. You can start by asking yourself what activities can be implemented without a high resource investment (e.g. activate your partner network and ask them to promote your course. Think about creating ready to use communication materials for them to make it as easy as possible for them to support you) 
  4. Implement your activities and make sure to constantly evaluate whether they are successful. If they are not, think about adjusting your approach 
  5. After you have implemented all activities, you should finish with a comprehensive evaluation to check whether you have reached your goals 

If you are looking for more detailed information, we can recommend the handbook creating a communications plan 

How the atingi team can support you promoting your course(s) 

The atingi communications team has years of experience in promoting atingi and specific courses to learners in many different partner countries of German Development Cooperation, and we are happy to share this knowledge with you. We are also always open to talk about opportunities for shared communication activities and campaigns. 

 To give you a first idea of how we could support you, we have listed some standard services below. 

Please note: if and how you could use those services should always be discussed via mail or in a personal meeting. 

Social Media: 

  • We can share, like and/or comment your posts to increase their reach 
  • We can publish a post about your course on our channels  
  • Requirements: input from your side (pictures, information about the course or ready to publish posts), at least one week before publication 

atingi Website & platform:  

  • We can feature your course on our website and LMS (coming soon) 
  • We can publish a short news article on your course on our website 
  • Requirements: input from your side (pictures, information about the course or ready to publish texts) at least one week before publication, course needs to confirm with our quality standards and needs to be relevant to a broader target group 

Communication Campaigns: 

  • If suitable, we can integrate your course into one of our campaigns 
  • We can plan joint communication campaigns (focus of the campaign and sharing of resources would need to be discussed in a meeting)
  • Requirements: course needs to fit into the campaign concept, campaign should be promoted via your channels as well. For joint campaigns: resources for the campaign should be shared 

Micro-Influencer Campaigns:

  • The atingi micro-influencer program is a highly efficient tool to promote course completions. It’s based on networks of people from different countries and industries who recommend courses to friends and peers and receive small rewards if they are successful
  • Requirements: We have been implementing the micro-influencer program with a specific service provider and our contract with this service provider has ended. If you want to use this approach, you have to put the service out to tender. However, we are happy to support with TORs and general guidance on the process. You need a budget of at least 1,000 Euros to implement an impactful micro-influencer campaign (about 500-1,000 course completions can be reached with a budget of 1,000 Euros). We recommend a contract of up to 7,999 Euro as this contract type will allow you to choose the service provider and as the contracting process usually takes less time than for bigger contracts.