Gradebook and grading

On atingi, some activities require a (passing) grade. If the students pass those activities, they can move on and, after having completed all necessary components of your course, receive their certificate.  In some cases, you might want to display their final grade on this certificate – this is where the gradebook comes into play. The final grade is a combination of all grades the learner received throughout the course, which need to be weighted and recalculated to receive a standard grading format such as “80/100” points.  

To ensure that the final grade is displayed correctly, the gradebook needs to be set up after all activities have been added to the course. 

To configure the gradebook, go to your course page, click “Grade” on the top bar, and select “gradebook setup” from the dropdown menu. 


 On the next page, you see an overview over all your graded activities and their weights


You can change the weights if you want to give a certain activity more value in the final grade or just leave everything at the default setting. 

Sometimes, you might notice that the “Course Total” does not display “100”, but a different number. In this case you need to change some settings in your gradebook setup. For this, click on “Edit” right below the “Actions” heading and select “Edit settings”. 


You will be brought to the general grading setup. Here, you always want to choose “Weighted mean of grades” as your aggregation method and set a maximum grade on 100 to ensure that the final grades will be x out of 100. 


Afterwards, click on “Save changes” and you are done! 

Please note that the gradebook set up does not affect maximum grades, passing grades, etc. that have been defined for single activities! We recommend configuring the gradebook if the grade is to be displayed in the certificate – otherwise there is no need to do it. 

In the next section we will have a look at grade settings within different types of learning content on atingi. 

Grade settings 

Activity grading is connected to activities that contain some kind of assessment and consists of two parts: “Grade” settings and “Activity completion” settings in the activity editor. In most cases it makes sense to go with the following settings for the “grade” option. First, you have to go to one of your activities (in this case it is a quizz), then select “Edit Settings”.  


After that, scroll down to the Grade section.  


The grade to pass needs to be some number out of 10.00. You can also set it to “0.00” if you want all students who complete the activity to pass. You can also limit the number of maximum attempts or allow for unlimited attempts. If a student attempts the activity multiple times, in this example the “highest grade” would count at the end. 

These settings are a prerequisite if you want the activity completion to be connected to a grade. 


Example: Quiz Activity 

A good example for a graded assessment is the Quiz activity. After having decided on the grade settings (see above), you can move on to the activity completion. As always, this offers you different options. As you know already, “Do not indicate activity completion” or “mark manually as complete” are not suited here. Instead, you should choose “Show activity as complete when conditions are met” and “Student must receive a grade to complete this activity”: 


You can additionally “require passing grade”, which would be the passing grade you have defined above. Another option would be to choose “all available attempts completed” as well. This might make sense if your passing grade is quite high but you want to allow learners to complete the activity without obtaining this grade if they have attempted it X times. 

The minimum number of attempts is always set to “1” (even if you don’t tick the box), so you only tick this if you require your students to do the activity more than one time. 

Note: As you know already, you NEVER choose “require view” AND “require grade” because then viewing the activity is enough for passing it. 

Example: H5P 

As you know already, H5P activities can be developed directly on atingi via the content bank. Originally, all the H5P HTML5 content available on atingi has been created by different developers. Therefore, the H5P Activity on atingi always has the same options for grading and activity completion – however, not all original H5P content options are suited for all settings

For example: the accordion activity is not interactive, which is why the activity condition must be “view” or “manually mark as complete” – choosing “grade” doesn’t make sense here, because there is no progress or grade to track. 

Furthermore, even for interactive H5P content there are differences in how tracking is enabled.  

The interactive H5P presentation can have “grade” as activity completion condition if there are trackable elements such as multiple-choice questions or fill in the blanks incorporated. After having completed the presentation, answers will be submitted automatically, and the progress is being tracked on atingi.  

In contrast, for example the interactive video H5P activity does not quite work like this. You can also make it interactive but in order to submit all answers and “require grade” on atingi, there needs to be a “Summary” window at the end of the H5P, where the learner manually submits his or her answers. 



A difference between interactive H5P activities and for example the atingi quiz activity is that there are no passing grades for H5P – “require grade” in H5P always means “require all questions to be answered and submitted”. It is also not possible to define passing grades here. 

Since there are more than 60 different H5P content options available, we cannot give guidance on all of them in this guide. However, these questions can serve as an orientation when deciding for H5P activity completion options: 

Does the H5P include interactive elements? 

If yes: is there a summary/submit window available at the end of the H5P activity? 

> If yes: enable this window in the H5P settings and choose “grade” as activity completion condition on atingi 

> If no: choose “grade” as activity completion condition on atingi 

If no: choose “view” as activity completion condition on atingi 


Example: Forum 

Forums are a great way to exchange with your students. They do not have to be mandatory but in some cases, you might want to require your students to make a post or even want to give them a grade for their post.  

Below you can see the options if you want to require your students to post something without receiving a grade for it. In this example only one post (or reply) needs to be posted but you can also require a post AND a reply to a post if you additionally choose “require replies”. 



Your forum will then look like this: 


If you want to manually grade your learners’ posts in a forum, you should select the following settings: under “Whole forum grading” choose “Type point” with a maximum grade of 100 and set a passing grade. The grading method “Rubric” is a bit more advanced – instead you can also choose “Simple direct grading”. 



In the Activity Completion, set “Require grade” for “Whole forum”. You can additionally require posts or replies but you don’t have to. 


After saving those settings, you find the grading option in the activity if you have administrative rights: 


Example: Assignment 

The Assignment options are somewhat similar to the graded forum settings. 

As an administrator you can view the submissions, grade them and also add submissions yourself: 


Usually, submissions for an assignment can only be made during a specific time frame. You have to define this in the “Availability” settings: 



Under “Grade”, choose “Point” with maximum grade 100 and grading method “Simple direct grading”. Then choose your passing grade. 



Lastly, under “Activity Completion” choose “Student must receive grade to complete this activity” – the passing grade is already defined above so this setting automatically requires reaching this passing grade. 


After saving the activity settings, learners can make their submissions during the indicated time frame and administrators can grade all submissions that have been uploaded.