How to create a course

As a Category (User) Manager, you can create new courses within your category. To do so, access the category via the category tile on your “Home” page or the menu on the top right. In the category, click on “Create new course”


In the general settings, you need to give your course a name and a short name.  

The description and course picture can also be added at a later stage and needs to comply with atingi’s quality assurance criteria

In the settings, you can also choose the course format. We recommend using the “Tiles format”. Settings as well as look and feel can vary between the different formats, which is why you should choose your preferred format from the start. 

Lastly, you need to fill out the mandatory fields under “Course info to be filled out by partners”. This data is for internal purposes only and will not be visible to learners. You can always go back and edit the information, e.g., in case any of it has changed. 

When you are done, click on “Save and display”

You can now start working on your course. If you want to change any settings, just click on “Settings” in the pink top bar. To edit the course content, turn on the Edit mode