How to fill out the atingi metadata fields

How to enter, add or adjust course information (metadata) before course publication

Additional information about the course, or “Metadata fields”, help us to create custom reports about the use of atingi, the courses on the platform and who creates them. Please fill out all fields under “Course info to be filled out by partner” to the best of your knowledge.

We are providing brief explanations and information for filling out the courses, however, if something is unclear, please reach out to your atingi manager.

Please note: if possible, please fill out the metadata fields in English. If not, use your preferred language. We will update all fields aligned with the system languages in the future to make it easier for you.

Please fill out all of the following sections, which will unfold directly once you open the settings:

Project Information

Type of Organisation

You can choose one of the following: Non-profit, Public, GIZ, Private, Other.

Note: If you publish the course as a collaboration between a GIZ project and a non-profit organisation, please choose the type you are most comfortable with (e.g., 80% of the course was coordinated by non-profit organisation; or choose other)

GIZ Project Number

This field is only relevant for GIZ projects and helps us to match courses to partner projects.

Please enter your Project Number (PN) in the format: 2018.2251.9-001.00. Enter your 14 digits PN (starting with year and including Leistungspaket & Arbeitsauftrag) here. If you don't have a Leistungspaket and/or Arbeitsauftrag, the first 9 digits are sufficient.

Course Provider

Please add the name of the course owner/publisher (not the creator, e.g. eLearning agency). Examples could be: GIZ ProDED Togo, Unicef, Siemens, Welthungerhilfe, Miteinander für Afrika e.V.

Course Contact

Please provide the name and email address of a person to be contacted for course related questions. (You can separate the name and email by comma, e.g., Tom Tailor,

Course Developer

Please enter information on all service providers, who were involved in the course creation and/or production. E.g., instructional designers, subject-matter experts, video creators. Please separate by comma.

Course Information - Design

Instructional Format

Choose the instructional format that best aligns with how the course content is structured and delivered.

  • Self-paced: learners can progress through the material at their own speed without a fixed schedule.
  • Tutored: course involves the scheduled presence of a tutor, instructor, or mentor who guides learners through the material and provides support.
  • Blended: course combines scheduled face-to-face instruction with online learning activities.

Course Duration

Please add the approximate amount of time a learner would need to finish the course if they would learn without interruption. Please add the hourly rate in a numerous format, e.g., 2 1/2 hours = 2,5. If a course is 30 minutes long, please add 0,5. Please do not add words or abbreviations, such as hours or h.

Location (e.g., region/country) (see also: Localisation of existing content)

Is your course localised to a specific region or country, then please let us know. If the course content applies across any localities, please enter “global” (even if the language would restrict global reach).

Example: global, Africa (continent-wide), West Africa (region-wide), Frankophone West Africa (region-wide), Benin (country-wide).

Skill Level

Select the appropriate skill level from the options provided:

  • Beginner: Suitable for learners who are new to the subject matter or have little to no prior experience.
  • Intermediate: Suitable for learners who have some foundational knowledge or experience in the subject matter and are looking to deepen their understanding.
  • Advanced: Suitable for learners who have a strong grasp of the subject matter and are seeking more advanced or specialized content.
  • This helps us recommending suitable courses to learners.

Learning Objectives

Please add your SMART learning objectives here, which you have already included in the “What will you learn” section in your course description. You may copy and paste.


Please add 3-10 keywords or tags specifying the content of the course. Each keyword must be separated by comma, as shown in the following example: digital, artificial intelligence, tourism. Try to be as precise as possible to avoid filler words.

SDG relation

Let us know to which SDGs your course relates. If you are unsure, please visit: and select up to 5 fitting SDGs.

Authoring Tool (see also: what is an authoring tool?)

Please select the authoring tools that may have been used for the course production. This information helps us to provide better guidance and advisory services on the use of different tools on atingi.

Authoring Tool (Other)

In case you have selected “Other”, please identify the authoring tool used.

Accessibility compliant

Please select which option applies to your course, in terms of accessibility compliance.

Offline compliant

Please select which option applies to your course, in terms of offline compliance. This information will allow us to use your course in offline settings, reaching those learners without internet access, with local offline hubs.

License (see also: Choosing a license for my course)

We strongly recommend using creative commons licenses which is also a criterion to publish your course in the public content library. If you would like others to adapt your course content, please use a CC BY, CC BY SA or CC BY NC SA license. Please note: you are of course restricted by the material you have yourself reused. Therefore, you are yourself responsible to follow all copyright laws/restrictions.

Assessment type

Please select the assessment type(s) used in your course. Summative assessments are graded, and focused on evaluating participants range of skills and knowledge. Formative assessments are designed to improve (rather than to evaluate) participants’ skills or their understanding of specific course concepts.

Grading method

Select the appropriate grading method used in your course from the options provided.

Course Information - Target Group

Target Audience

Please add your target audience you have already entered in the course description under “Who is this course for”. You may copy and paste.


Specify the conditions or criteria that learners must fulfill before they can enroll in your course. This might include completing certain courses, achieving specific grades, or meeting other requirements. If there are no prerequisites, leave the field empty.

Target Sector

Please select the sector(s) your course addresses. In case, you have doubts, you can consult ILO industries and sectors for reference:

Target Sector (Other)

In case you have selected “Other”, please describe the sector.

Course Information - Other


Please select one of the course language options. If none applies, move to Course Language (Other).

Course Language (Other)

Please enter the course language (if possible directly in English).

Course title in English

Please add an English course title if your course is published in any other language.

Certification (See also: Certifying your learners’ acquired skills)

Please select the type of certificate awarded in your course from the options provided. You can select more than one, if that is the case in your course.

Partner Network

Please list all your partner organizations that contributed to your course and appear on your certificate, e.g. through added logos. 

Why is course information (metadata) important?

Collecting metadata of e-learning courses, especially in a development context is important and critical for several reasons, such as:

Discoverability: Metadata provides essential information about e-learning courses, making them more discoverable to all users. When searching for courses, learners can use metadata to find relevant content based on their interests, skill levels, and learning goals, language.

Course Relevance: Metadata helps learners assess the relevance of a course to their needs. By examining metadata such as learning objectives, target audience, and skill level, learners can make informed decisions about which courses align with their learning preferences.

Personalized Learning: With metadata, we can offer personalized learning experiences to individual learners in the future. By analysing learners’ preferences and past activities, atingi courld recommend courses that best suit their needs and interests.

Course Quality Assurance: Metadata can include information about the course provider, course developer, and publication date. This information helps ensure the quality, credibility, and currency of the course content.

Resource Allocation and Portfolio Development (reuse): We at atingi can use metadata to allocate resources efficiently. By understanding the demand for specific course topics and formats, we can prioritize course development and optimize content offerings in the future (especially recommending possible reuse cases to partner networks)

Analytics and Insights: Aggregated metadata provides valuable insights into learner behaviour and preferences, which we could share with our partner networks. Course producers can use this data to improve course design, marketing strategies, and overall platform performance

Accreditation and Compliance: Metadata can include information about course certification, accreditation, and compliance with industry or regulatory standards, such as licenses. This information ensures that courses meet specific educational requirements.

Transparency and Trust: Collecting metadata and making it readily available to users (partners and learners equally) enhances the transparency and trustworthiness of our platform. Learners appreciate having access to comprehensive information when making course enrolment decisions. Partners appreciate the provided information to assess the re-use potential of published content.potential of published content.

If you have any further questions or comments around course metadata, please contact your atingi account manager or reach out to