Course quality assurance checklist

After you have designed your course in an accessible manner, configured all technical settings according to our guides and conducted a test run, it is time to prepare your learning offer for the atingi publication. For that, we will provide you with our Platform Quality Assurance (QA) document, guiding you through all the correct Moodle settings for your chosen activities and resources.

There are three course libraries on atingi. Each of these has different requirements which are mandatory. For a detailed explanation of the three libraries, please learn more here! Depending which library you are planning to publish your course in, please check the respective requirements below.

Kindly note that in the QA process you need to tick all boxes in the document that we send you to confirm that you have implemented all requirements for the respective library before sending the form to We will then test the course and provide feedback so that you can adjust your course accordingly. Only after the Quality Assurance process is successfully completed and the course meets the requirements, atingi will publish your course. 

Please click here to download the full Quality Assurance document.

Implement: Course Title and Image

Course title and image

Requirement items

(tick the to confirm)

Course title

(=Course full name)

Examples of course titles:

How to Write and Use a Business Plan

Wetland Conservation and Management in India

Example of how the course name shows in the library, if more than 36 characters (=cut-off title):

☐ first 36 characters contain the most important keywords
If the course name consists of more than 36 characters (including spaces), the title will be shortened in the library display.

☐ Specific elements

  • must mention the course topic, e.g. Cybersecurity, Hospitality
  • could use verbs to explain what will be done with the topic, e.g., creating, building, learning
  • could use knowledge level indicators, e.g., introduction, basics, advanced, quickstart

☐ Is specific, contains no abbreviations, no filler words or information on the course provider

Course short name

Example: ‘Computing Skills for Business’ --> ‘ComSkillsBiz’.

This will be the name by which you and your learners can find the course in the search bar without typing the full name.

☐ Max. 20 characters long and is a memorable short version of full name

Course image

Examples of well-designed pictures:

☐ Contains no to little text

(if needed: max. 5 words)

☐ Correlates to course content and beneficiary group

☐ Easy to understand in meaning even on small mobile screen

☐ Avoids animations/gifs as well as large/complex logos

☐ Formatted correctly

(max. 1 MB, 448×252px with aspect ratio 16:9)

Implement: Course Description

Course description

Requirement items

(tick the to confirm)

Course description structure

Example course description:

Why Tourism Business should be Sustainable

Gender and Digital Learning Design

☐ I have retained the original description setup as it was in the template course, preserving all headings and formatting without making any changes. 

Summary (= first two sentences in the course description)

Here are some examples:

How can using a computer and the internet for e-commerce activity benefit your business?

Get a clear understanding of the environmental, social and cultural aspects associated with the elephant-based tourism.

Explore soft skills such as interpersonal skills and personal characteristics.

☐ max. 2-3 sentences as a short summary of the course

Note: max. 110 characters can be displayed in the preview of your course.

The first sentence must include:

  • skills that will be acquired in this course (soft skills, processes, digital skills, practical skills, etc.)
  • or if not a clear skill, the topic of the course (cybersecurity, soy production, hospitality, entrepreneurship)

We recommend: to use “you” and directly address the learner e.g. “you will learn, understand how to manage, … “

Who is this course for?

Describe your target group, incl. required prior knowledge if applicable (i.e., relevant professions, formal qualifications, and/or skills / previous relevant completed courses)

E.g. This course is for tourism professionals in management positions and tourism entrepreneurs.

☐ I have added this to my course description

What will you learn?

Describe the learning objectives using the Blooms Taxonomy formulation:

E.g.: By the end of the course, you will be able to accurately recall and define key entrepreneurial terms.

☐ I have added this to my course description

You will be able to apply ______ [skill/ knowledge] in ______ [context].

How much time do you need to invest?

Describe the amount of time a learner would need to complete the course in mins or hours. Please make sure that the amount of time corresponds to the one in the metadata field.

E.g.: You need to invest 2 hours to complete this course

☐ I have added this to my course description


At this stage you only need to add the information that and how the certificate can be received by the learners to the course description.

E.g. The platform will automatically generate a certificate after you have completed modules x and z and passed the quiz.

☐ I have added this to my course description

Optional for tutored courses in open-link or non-public library only
Course start & end date

☐ If applicable, I have added this to my course description

Optional for tutored courses in open-link or non-public library but also for courses with moderated activities, such as chats and forums.

Names of tutors & moderators

☐ If applicable, I have added this to my course description

Course Provider

Name the course owner, namely the provider of the course

☐ I have added this to my course description

Course contact

Enter name and e-mail of person to be contacted for questions regarding the course content.

☐ I have added this to my course description

Content license

We encourage our partners to make content shareable, as it enables other partners to reuse and adapt your content, rather than develop similar content from scratch again. If you want your content to be openly licensed, please indicate the exact type of your Creative Commons license or take our short course on Open Educational Resources.

Please use this sentence:

“The contents of this course are licensed under [License], unless otherwise indicated.”

Choose from the ➡️ CC licences available. An example would be: CC BY-SA 4.0.







Only for non-public courses: If instead you need your content to be copyrighted, please indicate:

☐ Copyright ©_______ [insert organisation name]. All rights reserved.

Course publication date

Please note that the course publication date will be adjusted by your account manager in case your launch date is at a later point due to a longer QA process than expected.

☐ I have added this to my course description

[Month YYYY]

(example: March 2022)

Optional: Additional Information

e.g., recommended browser, course version, link to other useful courses or what the learner needs to interact with the content, e.g., a stable internet connection.

☐ If applicable, I have added this to my course description

Implement: Course Structure and Settings

Course structure

Requirement items

(tick the to confirm)

Course format

☐ Workplace list format


☐ Tile format

☐ If you choose a customized tile image, it should be in landscape format; (width should be about 1.35 times the height, e.g., 270 width x 200 height).

Desired topic filters

Your account manager will set the filters up for you on the platform

Please choose from this list which 1-3 topic(s) your course belongs to:

☐ Agriculture

☐ Artificial Intelligence

☐ Digital Skills & Transformation

☐ Energy Efficiency

☐ Entrepreneurship

☐ Environment & Climate

☐ Gender & Inclusion

☐ Management & Leadership

☐ Migration

☐ Governance

☐ Health

☐ Professional Orientation

☐ Tourism & Hospitality

Course length

☐ The length of the course is up to 4 hours. Longer courses are split up in several courses.

Course sections

(“section” means a single tab or tile in your course)

Course contains at least:

☐ 1 section named ’Introduction’, ´Welcome´or comparable

☐ Min. 2 instructional sections with approximately 25 learning minutes each

☐ 1 section named ‘Assessment’, ‘Final exam’, ‘Quiz’ or comparable OR the assessment is added inside the instructional section for each module

☐ 1 section named ’Certificate’

☐ Section titles are descriptive and concise

i.e., not named ‘Module 1’ but instead ‘1: Basics of Cybersecurity’

☐ Each section has a short intro sentence

You can edit the section by going to the section and clicking on the three vertical dots at the top right.

Specify time per module within your sections.

e.g., “In this section, you will learn about __________. Please ___ [do X], then [do Y]. The activities ____are optional. Finishing this section will take you around _______ minutes.”

Introduction section

☐ Learners are introduced to the course beyond the information provided in the course description

e.g., explain how to navigate the course and outline the course structure, incl. how to make the most out of the course – e.g., how to pace oneself, what the assignments will be, what’s optional vs mandatory, etc. You can also add a nice welcome video, see for example here.

☐ Optional: Forum activity

☐ Optional: ‘Feedback’ activity

Important: Kindly note our guidelines for GIZ projects on how to develop privacy compliant surveys on atingi here.

☐ If I add a feedback activity, I have read and aligned on these requirements.

If you have added activities in this section, Activity completion is set to either one of these:

☐ “Do not indicate activity completion”

☐ Condition: “Require view”

Instructional sections

One instructional section covers not more than 25 learning minutes.

Min. one of these is used:

☐ A learning package developed via the inbuilt ’H5P’ tool or via external authoring tool (e.g., authored with ADAPT) and imported as ’SCORM’

☐ Moodle ‘Lesson’ activity

☐ Moodle ‘Page’ activity with videos (incl. transcript) and descriptive text

For courses: min. two of the below activities are used (if you already offer multiple H5P/ SCORM/ Lesson or Page resources in your course, you do not need to add more instructional sections.)

☐ Assignment

Big Blue Button

☐ Book

☐ Glossary

☐ Checklist

☐ Choice

☐ Etherpad Lite



If selected, please indicate which team member will regularly moderate your forum:



If selected, please indicate which team member will regularly moderate your chat:



☐ Lesson



☐ Workshop

☐ Page

text with ‘resources’ e.g. videos, images, podcasts, PDFs, etc.

☐ If a SCORM/H5P file is uploaded, it has been divided up into multiple smaller SCORM/H5P files with approximately 25 learning minutes each e.g., 1 SCORM/H5P file per module / topic covered

This is important for 1) reducing download and waiting time for learners, 2) improving reporting quality and learner completion progress.

☐ If a video or audio is uploaded, the following criteria are fulfilled:

  • Transcript added
  • Subtitles for videos added
  • Maximum length per video is 3 minutes

Activity completion is set to:

“Show activity as complete when conditions are met”

Please add one of the following conditions:

☐ Condition: “Require view”

Please only use this setting for pages or videos or other activities which do not require a grade or completion of activities.


☐ any other condition depending on the type of activity

For some activities, additional requirements are available: “Quiz”: Require grade, require attempts

☐ For SCORM files, ensure that the export settings in the authoring tool align with those on the atingi platform

If it is a SCORM that contains a graded assessment, only choose ‘pass’ for the SCORM, the grade needs to be set in the authoring tool, not in atingi.

Assessment section

 Required in public and open-link library

 Assessment not required for non-public courses. If assessment is used, the completion requirements apply.

(e.g.: Quiz activity, Assignment activity, H5P including assessment, SCORM including assessment)

☐ Contains min. 1 obligatory assessment activity which appropriately tests for all taught skills and knowledge. The assessment must be passed by learners before a certificate can be issued.

The assessment can be located in an additional section in the end of the course covering all modules OR set up as individual assessments covering each single module.

If quizzes are created as SCORM packages instead of directly in Moodle, please include the answer keys in a document when submitting the course for Quality Assurance.

Activity completion is set to one of these for each activity:

“Show activity as complete when conditions are met”

Please also add one of the following conditions:

☐ Condition: “Require grade”

If you select “Require grade” there is no specification on the grade.

☐ additional Condition: “Require passing grade”

If you select “Require passing grade”, also add the respective grade under the setting section “Grades”. For example, if you require 60% correct answers, please add “6,00” under grade

☐ For graded SCORM files, ensure that the export settings in the authoring tool align with those on the atingi platform; do not set a grade in atingi – only in the authoring tool.

☐ Optional: ‘Feedback’ activity (as post-course questionnaire with learners)

Important: Kindly note our guidelines for GIZ projects on how to develop privacy compliant surveys on atingi here.

☐ If I add a feedback activity, I have read and aligned on these requirements.


Required in public and open-link library

 Not required for non-public courses. If certification is used, the completion setting requirements apply.

Custom certificates can only be designed by Category Managers; Open Badges need to be designed in consultation with the atingi Account Manager.

Please choose 1 certification format:

☐ atingi standard certificate

☐ Custom certificate

☐ Open Badge

If custom certificate:

☐ Contains the atingi logo

☐ The automatic fields for learner name, date, and verification ID have been configured

☐ For courses in Latin writing systems, the font Free Sans is used

☐ For courses with special characters (e.g., Mandarin, Vietnamese, Arabic, Ukrainian) the font Free Serif or Kozuka Mincho Pro (Japanese Serif) is used

☐ Template is named according to norm: ORG_PROJECT NAME

Access restriction for is set to:

☐ “Activity completion” > choose which activities must be marked complete (you need to select at least one instructional section and the quiz)


☐ “Course completed” > “Yes”

Activity completion is set only to:

☐ Do not indicate activity completion

☐ Automatic sending of the certificate is enabled

Activity and Resource Titles

☐ Activity & resources/ files are titled in a descriptive and concise manner

(e.g. not “SCORM 1” but e.g., “Cybersecurity: Password Policy”)

☐ All activities and resources are numbered in their titles if analysing course reports is important, to enable distinguishing activities easily

(e.g. in section 1, name them 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc, and for the next section 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 etc.)


For a best practice example, see this course: Open Educational Resources

☐ Full references are included for all external material (i.e. images, videos, tables, graphs, maps) as captions, using the following structure: Description, Source, License

(e.g. Objectives [Graphics], by GIZ, CC BY-SA 4.0)

Course completion settings

This is crucial for ensuring that your reporting works properly. After you have set up all activities, go to your course page, click on “more” and select “Course Completion”.

☐ Under “General”, the option “course is complete when ALL activities are complete” is selected

☐ Under “Condition: Activity completion” all activities that need to be completed are ticked, with exception of the certificate

Gradebook setup

Can be accessed via the little cog wheel in the upper right > 'gradebook setup’.

If your course contains graded activities:

☐ your gradebook is set to “100” as course total

☐ and aggregation is “weighted mean of grades”

Finalize: Course Testing and Information

Course testing and information

Requirement items

(tick the to confirm)

Course Information

☐ You have filled out ALL fields in the course settings page under “Course Info to be filled out by partner”

Course testing

Once you reach the testing stage (i.e. all content is uploaded and course settings enabled), please inform your account manager. Only atingi account managers have the authority to enable course visibility, allowing you to proceed with learner testing.

☐ You have conducted at least:

  • One test course completion using a ‘learner’ account and you have failed the test
  • One test course completion using a ‘learner’ account and you have successfully passed the test
  • You have checked that the reports (in ‘grades’ section) display as desired
  • You have taken the course on mobile devices most likely used by your learners